Psi Class
We are always looking to expand our network and organization. Every semester, we hold a rush week for interested students at UC Berkeley. We are looking for passionate premedical students with inquisitive minds and steadfast work ethic, and who show initiative through their academic, professional, and personal endeavors.
Check back in January 2019 if you are interested in joining!
Check back in January 2019 if you are interested in joining!
Come learn about Phi Delta Epsilon CA Iota and all the resources we have to offer to you! - Tuesday, September 4th | 8 PM - Location: Hearst Field Annex A1 - Business Casual Attire MEET THE CHAPTER Hang out with our members and get to know our involvements, passions, and interests! - Wednesday, September 5th | 8 PM - Location: Tap Haus (2516 Durant Avenue) - Campus Casual Attire SPEED RUSH Get a sneak peek of medical school selection processes in our MMI-style speed rush interviews! -Thursday, September 6th | 8 PM -Location: Dwinelle Steps -Business Casual Attire GAME NIGHT & INTERVIEWS are invite-only. |
If you have any questions please contact:
Vice President of Recruitment:
Jacob Mammen
[email protected]